I will agree that the new plan will cost more, but it is a fact that Europe has cheeper healthcare per person than our "wonderful and cheep" system. The reason they why this is capable is because government healthcare doesn't look for loopholes because everyone is completely covered and the government does not try to be profitable. It is sickening how our health is now controlled by profit. If your health isn't profitable you are removed. Socialized healthcare is our responsibility. I want to believe we are equally civilized as Europe, Canada, and other countries with socialized healthcare. But the barbaric rich in this country keep power and keep socialized healthcare out of the country. This is why Obama and his new plan anger me. He started his campaign with a promise of socialized healthcare, but the political elite in the Democrat party forced him to become a centrist on all of his views. The barbaric money lovers can't realize that to help everyone will delay the end and will help the country and economy prosper.
It will ruin the healthcare system, but it will only ruin the insurance companies. The hospitals will defiantly go through a rough restructuring, but they will come out on the other side with happier doctors and happier and healthier patients. Doctors don't go out of business. They have less stress when dealing with a government with socialized healthcare than with HMO and their loopholes. We must realize this. We have one of the strongest and advanced government's in this world and still we have an extremely primitive system in dealing with an issue more important than any war, any road project, any tax, but we still sit back and say its good enough. It's not my friends, it's not.
And the final point that socialized healthcare kills the elderly is wrong. The average life span in countries with socialized healthcare is higher. The elderly receive healthcare and wont have the troubles of healthcare costs that come with old age. I know these costs second hand. With my grandparents living with my family I see the costs that come with old age. With socialized medicine comes an extra respect and help to the wisest of this country. We have social security and that was attacked earlier and we protected it. The lady I was debating most likely sees old age as a time for cosmetic surgery and excess. When this is not covered she will defend the regular system because she can afford it and a selfish mentally will grow with her age.